Don’t Vote –unless….

By Samina Sundas

In the United States voting is a right, a privilege and a responsibility. People fought long and hard to be able to vote, yet sadly many do not bother to vote.

Important reasons to vote:

  1. Your vote matters. Many claim their vote does not matter. There have been many elections decided by a few votes. Vote so you are choosing your leaders.
  2. Vote to defend what is important to you, your family and your community.  Politicians make laws that protect or restrict social freedoms. This includes controversial issues like capital punishment, gay rights, civil rights, prayer in school and religious freedoms.
  3.  Chief executives like governors and presidents appoint judges and justices.  When a new Supreme Court Justice is appointed, he or she is appointed for life influencing the social direction of America for generations.
  4. Comprehensive health insurance is a major issue for everyone, and millions can lose their coverage due to pre-existing conditions. The issue impacts your health and your family’s health too, especially the seniors with pre-existing conditions.
  5. Choose leaders who will protect your life, your civil rights and human rights.
  6. Environment is a huge issue for us.  Vote to save our world. Global warming and environmental issues are serious. In California we have been dealing with fires every year and the rest of the country is facing record breaking hurricanes and other natural disasters.
  7. Vote to keep social services for the poor and protect social security.
  8.  Vote for those who fought for your right to vote. There was a time in this country when women, minorities and adults younger than 21 could not vote. Many people worked hard and sacrificed their lives so we have right to vote. It is your duty to exercise it.
  9.  Vote for those who died for your freedom. Soldiers and civil rights workers have given their lives for your right to vote. Soldiers continue to fight and die in wars. Your vote decides if we go to war.
  10.  Most importantly please vote for the next generation. Our choices today impact our children, grandchildren and all generations that follow. Make choices that will improve their lives by voting. It also sets a good example and encourages civil responsibility.
  11. You lose your right to complain if complain if you do not bother to vote.  

  12. Please make a choice to vote with your conscious and make our world better for all of us. One day you will be able to share that story with your kids and grandkids.