OK, I’m convinced! What else can I do to help?

There are many ways to help in big ways and small. You have 3 things that you can donate: your time, your money, or your influence.

You can work at a polling booth on election day. It’s a paid job, and you get the satisfaction of helping make sure voting is smooth. Click here.

Donate your time to any cause or political candidate you believe in. Working for a cause, any cause you believe in, will give you great satisfaction.

You can donate some money, anything from under $5 up to $2700 to the many candidates running for office. Research the candidates positions on their websites, and reach out to them to discuss anything you want changed. Their staff will respond if you are in their district.

You can support an organization that helps candidates you believe in. For example, If you believe strongly in womens equality, Emily’s List supports women candidates at all levels, and here are several more organizations suporting women running for political office: https://www.marieclaire.com/politics/a23678900/women-political-organizations-run-for-office/. If you believe in eliminating discrimination due to racial bias, here are some organizations that support black candidates. https://movement.vote/funds/black-led-fund/

The best thing you can do is to reach out to every person you know socially or business contacts, and email them personally. Research shows that the most effective influence in voting, getting people to register to vote, and getting people to vote, comes from personal appeals from people they know and trust.