What if I don’t agree with a candidate on everything? Perfection vs. Best choice

By Shabbir

Do you always agree with your spouse on everything? Or your parents Or children? How about with your best friend? Of course not! No two people can think exactly alike and agree on everything.

Similarly, you cannot expect to agree with every position taken by the politician to whom you grant your vote. You must choose the person closest to your way of thinking. No politician is perfect, and you must make the best choice, i.e. vote for the one that most closely fits your way of thinking.

In our two party system in USA, we generally choose between one of two candidates running for office under the two major parties, Democrat and Republican. Sometimes there are more choices such as Independent or Green Party. You must choose the candidate that represents your views as closely as possible on as many issues as possible.

Not voting is a bad option, as that essentially supports the candidate you least agree with. By not voting, you take away a vote from the candidate closest to your preference. You must make a choice and vote.

How about if you don’t agree with your candidate on major issues? Well, you still must make the choice based on who is closer to your position, and then try to influence their position by writing to them or calling their office. You can definitely influence after they get elected by making yourself heard. You must vote first and influence their position after. So get out there and make an impact with your vote this November.