Why vote? My vote won’t make a difference anyway.

Pollsters will tell you your vote for the President’s office won’t have any effect, unless you live in some obscure county in swing states like Florida or Ohio. Sometimes they even identify the exact neighborhood and tell you these 12 or 13 families on this block in rural Virginia are going to determine who will be the next POTUS! These pollsters give you daily up and down projections based on just 1200 to 1500 people they survey, out of our national population of 328 million. They make you think your vote will be totally ineffective, and lull you into not voting.

But the pollsters are often wrong! There are so many examples of incorrect predictions by pollsters, in major national elections as well as your local community elections. Most notably, in the 2016 presidential election (which was supposed to be “in the bag” for Hillary Clinton) the pollsters were so very confident and totally wrong! So many people did not bother to vote because of the polls, and Hillary lost, and here we are. Ignore the pollsters and go vote!

This year in particular, we as citizens need to shout out our preferences! It’s no longer enough to have a majority, we must win by a huge landslide. This November, each of us must vote and send a clear and unequivocal message to the leaders we elect, whether for President or Senators or local city council, on how we want our country and community to be run.

If you go cast your vote, you can overcome even the most dire projections of the pollsters. Even when your candidate or issue is likely to lose, it is important to make your voice heard. It is important to vote, win or lose. Go vote this November!